
We are looking forward to hosting you at the 8th International TGfU Conference in Auckland. Please join the mailing list (link on home page) so that we can keep you informed of all updates.

Conference costs

Early Registration (Before 30 October 2024):

  • Teachers one-day workshop ………………….  $280
  • Coaches one-day workshop  ………………….  $280
  • Full conference ……………………………………..   $875
  • Student (Full conference) ………………………   $425
  • Developing country (Full conference)…….   $550

Late Registration (After 30 October 2024):

  • Teachers one-day workshop ………………….  $320
  • Coaches one-day workshop  ………………….  $320
  • Full conference ……………………………………..   $975
  • Student (Full conference) ………………………   $525
  • Developing country (Full conference)……..  $650

Conference Dinner ………………………………….. $115

Registration fee: The registration fee covers access to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunch, and the Welcome Reception

Developing countries:  We aim to support teachers, coaches and scholars who would like to attend the full conference by offering a discounted registration fee.  A range of countries fall into this category, such as: Afghanistan, Botswana, Cook Islands, Fiji, Haiti, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Mali, Moldova, Mozambique, Nepal, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Tonga, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu. If you are from a developing country that isn’t listed and would like to attend, please email 

Student fee:  Please include the name of your supervisor. Students are expected to be currently enrolled or within one year of graduating.

Membership: Want to become a member TGfU Special Interest Group? The association open to individual members. More information is available on the website: 


Registration opens: TBC
Submissions open: TBC
Early-bird ends: TBC
Submissions close: TBC

Days until Conference






