Call for abstracts – Deadline Extended!
The Call for Abstracts opens 31 January 2024 and closes at the extended deadline of 28 June (Please use the abstract templates linked below)
Since being first published in 1982, the TGfU Model has witnessed substantial developments and has evolved into the Games-Based approach to Teaching and Coaching. Today, more than ever, research represents the premium approach to critically and appropriately analyze the complex and challenging reality of supporting and enhancing young people’s learning. It is through research and scholarship that we will continue to build our knowledge base and evolve the nature of the model.
The 8th International Conference on Games-Based Teaching and Coaching in Auckland aims at creating a vibrant and rich opportunity to share, discuss, and experience the latest research and practices by examining past developments in teaching and coaching. Scholars, teachers, coaches, policy makers and Ph.D. students are invited to submit proposals (empirical research, theoretical study, practitioner presentation, case studies, etc.) to critically explore the following conference theme:
Innovation, inspiration, and inclusion in games based teaching and coaching
Innovation- Designing innovative experiences and environments
This theme explores innovative approaches to designing learning environments. It includes the field of emerging and/or online technologies for teaching and learning games, as well as enhancing the quality of teacher and coach education. Contributions may be in the form of both workshops and presentations related innovative teaching ideas and enhancing practice with emerging technology
Inclusion- Embracing equity, inclusion and cultural responsiveness
This theme examines being inclusive as it relates to diversity. It includes issues related to equity, diversity, inclusion, belonging, language, religion and cultural responsiveness. It also includes the need to recognise indigenous and cross cultural/language ways of knowing. Contributions may be in the form of both workshops and presentations related to expanding the model to be more inclusive of the populations and diversity educators work with.
Inspiration- Advancing and inspiring new understandings of games education
This theme challenges and advances the field of game-based learning (GBL). It addresses the conceptual, theoretical and research base of TGfU and GBL. It includes gamification and esports as they relate to coaching and teaching. Contributions are in the form of research informed presentations that inspire new understandings of games education.
Abstracts must be written in English within the scope of the themes. The abstracts are restricted to 250 words. It may not contain any tables or figures. References (optional) in the text must be kept to the minimum and must be cited at the end of the abstract. In the submission form, the title and the theme of the abstract and information about presenting author and co-author(s) are requested.
The author may state the preference for the type of presentation (oral, poster, workshop, or symposium). However, the Conference Scientific Committee will make the final decision of the presentation format. The abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts before the conference.
NOTE: Each author is allowed to present a maximum of two (2) abstracts. Each presenter needs to pay registration fee before including the abstract in the abstract book. Deadline to pay registration fee is October, 2024. Later registrations may lead to an exclusion of the abstract. The receipt of your abstract submission will be confirmed by e-mail.
Oral, Practical Workshop and Poster presentations
The text of the abstract should include (without subheadings):
- Aim of the study, case or project (preferably in one sentence)
- A brief description of the methods used
- A summary of the results obtained
- A discussion / conclusion
In oral presentations, speakers will report recent findings in fundamental or applied research followed by a short discussion with the audience. Oral presentations are limited to 20 minutes, which includes a 3-5-minute discussion and questions.
A practical workshop is a presentation that provides for an active demonstration of a key idea or principle in a gymnasium setting. A workshop is scheduled for 45 minutes. Presenters will need to bring their own equipment and resources to facilitate the workshop session.
Accepted poster abstracts will be converted into poster template by author(s) after acceptance. The selected posters will be presented in a poster session during the congress. More details about Poster Presentations will be provided after the acceptance.
Symposium presentations
A symposium is an opportunity for 3-6 researchers to present work around a certain topic or theme. A symposium is scheduled for 75 minutes. Symposia can be structured in a variety of ways, but will generally follow a format such as: The Chair of the Symposium introduces the Symposium background and theme (15 min), three presenters each have 15 minutes to present, and, in the end, Chair leads an open discussion (15 min). To submit a proposal for a symposium, please do the following:
- Chair of the Symposium submits a Symposium proposal (3000 words maximum), which includes overall description of the Symposium:
- Planned title for the Symposium
- Topic / content of the Symposium (including brief abstract of each presentation within the symposium.
- Scientific Committee evaluates the Symposium proposal.
- If the proposal is accepted, chair of the Symposium is responsible for ensuring all presenters are registered for the conference.
Days until Conference