Innovation, inspiration, and inclusion in games based teaching and coaching

A four-day conference on the Games-Based approach

We invite you to contribute to the 8th International Conference on Games-Based Teaching and Coaching. This  conference promises to be a hub of innovation, knowledge exchange, and collaboration. It will provide a platform for researchers to share their work, explore cutting-edge ideas, and engage in insightful discussions with peers from around the world. Your participation will be invaluable in making this conference a resounding success.


The conference offers the following ways to present your work and engage with colleagues:  

  • Oral Presentation

In oral presentations, speakers will report recent findings in fundamental or applied research followed by a short discussion with the audience. Oral presentations are limited to 20 minutes, which includes a 3-5-minute discussion and questions.

  • Symposium

A symposium is a performance by 3-6 researchers under a certain topic or theme. A symposium is scheduled for 75 minutes. One possible structure of the symposium: The Chair of the Symposium introduces the Symposium background and theme (15 min), three presenters each have 15 minutes to present, and, in the end, Chair leads an open discussion (15 min).

  • Practical Workshop

A practical workshop is a presentation that provides for an active demonstration of a key idea or principle in a gymnasium setting. A workshop is scheduled for 45 minutes. Presenters will need to bring their own equipment and resources to facilitate the workshop session.

  • Poster Presentation

Accepted poster abstracts will be converted into poster template by author(s) after acceptance. The selected posters will be presented in a poster session during the congress. More details about Poster Presentations will be provided after the acceptance.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Scientific Committee.


Registration opens: TBC
Submissions open: TBC
Early-bird ends: TBC
Submissions close: TBC

Days until Conference






